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returntothepit >> discuss >> INTERNETS: i maed u wun (imaegs insied) by DestroyYouAlot on Feb 29,2012 1:41am
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toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Feb 29,2012 1:41am

toggletoggle post by narkybark   at Feb 29,2012 3:07am

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Feb 29,2012 3:20am
My nightmares: you has inspired them. lulz

toggletoggle post by Lamp  at Feb 29,2012 4:15am
I posted that Full Metal Jacket spoof video months ago and nobody cared!


toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Feb 29,2012 6:18am

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Feb 29,2012 7:39am

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Feb 29,2012 7:41am

toggletoggle post by KEVORD  at Feb 29,2012 9:45am

toggletoggle post by posbleak   at Feb 29,2012 10:05am

toggletoggle post by narkybark   at Feb 29,2012 12:01pm

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Feb 29,2012 12:41pm
narkybark said[orig][quote]

hahaha, awesome

toggletoggle post by FuckIsMySignature at Feb 29,2012 5:29pm
this is offiically my favorite image thrudd

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Feb 29,2012 5:38pm

toggletoggle post by DukeManjunk at Feb 29,2012 8:48pm

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Feb 29,2012 9:08pm

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Feb 29,2012 10:15pm
I loled bigtime at the chocolate parrot fountain.

toggletoggle post by Mark_R at Feb 29,2012 10:29pm
RustyPS said[orig][quote]

How?? HOW?!?!?!?!

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Feb 29,2012 11:19pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Feb 29,2012 11:29pm

and for cher:

toggletoggle post by Big bag of assorted nigger parts at Feb 29,2012 11:39pm

toggletoggle post by narkybark   at Mar 1,2012 12:02am

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Mar 1,2012 7:05am

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Mar 1,2012 8:36am

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Mar 1,2012 9:34am

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 1,2012 12:06pm

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Mar 1,2012 12:20pm
Thou it dose.

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 1,2012 2:12pm

toggletoggle post by Boner at Mar 1,2012 2:24pm
Alx_Casket said[orig][quote] which "person" on this board lives in 802? lol

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 1,2012 2:25pm

toggletoggle post by Boner at Mar 1,2012 2:27pm
Alx_Casket said[orig][quote]

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 1,2012 3:52pm
Boner said[orig][quote]
Alx_Casket said[orig][quote]

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 1,2012 4:08pm

toggletoggle post by Lamp  at Mar 1,2012 4:16pm
If trucking companies got a hold of that gif of the rig plowing the SUV that MSD posted, they'd all be using it in their safety talks during orientation. Can't think of a better example to show how fucking powerful those things really are.

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Mar 1,2012 4:48pm

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Mar 1,2012 11:20pm
Lamp said[orig][quote]
If trucking companies got a hold of that gif of the rig plowing the SUV that MSD posted, they'd all be using it in their safety talks during orientation. Can't think of a better example to show how fucking powerful those things really are.

I know how powerful they are because one exploded my face once.

toggletoggle post by Skinsandwich at Mar 2,2012 9:40am

toggletoggle post by trioxin_245  at Mar 2,2012 11:59am
RustyPS said[orig][quote]

I lol'd for 10 minutes straight.

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 2,2012 12:11pm

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Mar 2,2012 3:29pm

toggletoggle post by narkybark   at Mar 2,2012 5:19pm

toggletoggle post by slar you morbid? at Mar 2,2012 6:19pm
Boner said[orig][quote]
Alx_Casket said[orig][quote] which "person" on this board lives in 802? lol

Matafuck Uprise
clearly he was violencing to his 7"EPs too much for his false landlord

toggletoggle post by Chernobyl at Mar 2,2012 7:42pm
RustyPS said[orig][quote]


toggletoggle post by Matafuck_Uprise at Mar 3,2012 10:11am
Hello Slar,

I see that you are try make a mocking of me somehow. You should try look in same mirror that you caome from. I will understand english language an am not so spry myself. Try to dig your head away from your buttocks. asshole.

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Mar 3,2012 1:33pm
You no even eat turkey from bedpan or else coward if not even choosing to be.

toggletoggle post by Chernobyl at Mar 3,2012 6:49pm
[IMG][\IMG] .

toggletoggle post by Chernobyl at Mar 3,2012 6:51pm

toggletoggle post by slar you morbid? at Mar 3,2012 7:01pm
Matafuck_Uprise said[orig][quote]
Hello Slar,

I see that you are try make a mocking of me somehow. You should try look in same mirror that you caome from. I will understand english language an am not so spry myself. Try to dig your head away from your buttocks. asshole.

Matafuck, You are greater mistake.
I am nothing but for support of your most glorious uprise and renegading of falseness of nowadays landlords, someday goats and beherits will be indeed free of charge.
can you cult to me my brother?

toggletoggle post by Big bag of assorted nigger parts at Mar 3,2012 8:30pm
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

toggletoggle post by Big bag of assorted nigger parts at Mar 3,2012 8:31pm
Hi I'm retarded sorry

toggletoggle post by Big bag of assorted nigger parts at Mar 3,2012 8:32pm
Still retarded. Click this.

toggletoggle post by Big bag of assorted nigger parts at Mar 3,2012 10:56pm

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Mar 4,2012 6:50pm
Chernobyl said[orig][quote]

Ohhhh my Christ. The internet has redeemed itself.

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 4,2012 10:34pm

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Mar 5,2012 11:16am

toggletoggle post by doof at Mar 5,2012 2:25pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 5,2012 10:14pm

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Mar 5,2012 10:21pm
Alx_Casket said[orig][quote]

I legitimately thought the same thing watching Sunday's episode lol

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Mar 6,2012 6:16am

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Mar 6,2012 6:25am

toggletoggle post by sethrich   at Mar 6,2012 1:34pm

toggletoggle post by trioxin_245  at Mar 6,2012 1:45pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 7,2012 2:44pm

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Mar 7,2012 2:51pm
^ hahahaha - I totally used to do this with the copier boxes when I worked at Savin-Ricoh. Napping in the warehouse FTW.

toggletoggle post by ABastard NLI at Mar 7,2012 3:09pm
RustyPS said[orig][quote]
Alx_Casket said[orig][quote]

I legitimately thought the same thing watching Sunday's episode lol

and the whole time the kid is 'tormenting' the zombie its like....I KNOW THE ZOMBIE IS GOING TO GET ITS FOOT LOOSE ANY MINUTE.

stupid kid lost a perfectly good gun too.

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 7,2012 3:11pm
I haven't read the comics but I hope the kid goes back there, finds the gun, and kills himself from the guilt of moralfag dying.

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 7,2012 3:19pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 7,2012 4:04pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 7,2012 4:16pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 7,2012 4:26pm

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Mar 8,2012 5:49am

toggletoggle post by ancient master nli at Mar 8,2012 6:23am

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Mar 8,2012 2:40pm


toggletoggle post by demondave at Mar 8,2012 9:34pm

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Mar 9,2012 5:28am

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Mar 9,2012 9:02am

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Mar 9,2012 9:09am
Todd Haley, you filthy dog you!

toggletoggle post by EyesOfTheElephant at Mar 10,2012 6:40pm

this is what happened when I commented on this kids photo

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Mar 10,2012 7:21pm
RustyPS said[orig][quote]

like I said to everyone posting that stupidity on facebook, that is like saying you have so much more milk when you measure it in liters instead of gallons.

toggletoggle post by demondave at Mar 10,2012 8:28pm

toggletoggle post by Headbanging_Man at Mar 10,2012 8:45pm
Call me a cynic, but I doubt she has the requisite credentials to entry.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Mar 10,2012 10:04pm
Headbanging_Man said[orig][quote]
Call me a cynic, but I doubt she has the requisite credentials to entry.


toggletoggle post by illinoisenemaBradness at Mar 10,2012 11:28pm
DestroyYouAlot said[orig][quote]
^ hahahaha - I totally used to do this with the copier boxes when I worked at Savin-Ricoh. Fapping in the warehouse FTW.


toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Mar 10,2012 11:33pm
illinoisenemaBradness said[orig][quote]
DestroyYouAlot said[orig][quote]
^ hahahaha - I totally used to do this with the copier boxes when I worked at Savin-Ricoh. Fapping in the warehouse FTW.


Nahhhh, I'd just do that in the bathroom next to Warren's desk. Everything else (like chopping logs) I'd do in the bathroom that was right in the middle of the sales floor.

toggletoggle post by clinton bar mckinnon at Mar 11,2012 3:18am

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 11,2012 3:37am

toggletoggle post by Burnsy at Mar 11,2012 3:44am
Fucking pugs. WORST! DO NOT SUPPORT.

toggletoggle post by Hoser at Mar 11,2012 8:28am
This dog looks like dark, evil blackness. Fucking ugly as a shitstorm in the mountainous regions of Muk Tuk.

toggletoggle post by Lamp  at Mar 11,2012 11:12am
Burnsy said[orig][quote]
Fucking pugs. WORST! DO NOT SUPPORT.

Are you for real? Fuck you man, pugs are awesome.

toggletoggle post by ancient master nli at Mar 11,2012 8:19pm

toggletoggle post by Burnsy at Mar 11,2012 9:21pm
Lamp said[orig][quote]
Burnsy said[orig][quote]
Fucking pugs. WORST! DO NOT SUPPORT.

Are you for real? Fuck you man, pugs are awesome.

Is there a pug that resides at your domicile? One resides at mine. He looks like wilford brimley and he's a little prick.

toggletoggle post by Lamp nli at Mar 11,2012 9:48pm
We had a black pug in our family for 7 years (she died early). Best pet I ever had.

toggletoggle post by Burnsy at Mar 11,2012 10:14pm
RIP! My only experience with those cute little fuckers has been horrible. Not his fault but it doesn't make being woken up at 5 am on my days off acceptable.

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 11,2012 11:53pm

toggletoggle post by sethrich   at Mar 12,2012 3:59pm

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Mar 12,2012 4:42pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 12,2012 11:53pm

toggletoggle post by Fuck_Logging_In at Mar 13,2012 12:43am

toggletoggle post by narkybark   at Mar 13,2012 2:19am

toggletoggle post by Big bag of assorted nigger parts at Mar 13,2012 11:04pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 13,2012 11:12pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 13,2012 11:24pm

toggletoggle post by narkybark   at Mar 14,2012 10:49am

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Mar 14,2012 4:35pm

toggletoggle post by narkybark   at Mar 14,2012 4:48pm

toggletoggle post by demondave at Mar 14,2012 10:55pm
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said[orig][quote]

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Mar 15,2012 9:27am

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Mar 15,2012 9:31am

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 15,2012 1:43pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 15,2012 1:46pm

toggletoggle post by trioxin_245  at Mar 15,2012 2:17pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 15,2012 2:20pm
^lol@url name- "ancient broners"

toggletoggle post by BlackoutRick at Mar 15,2012 3:16pm
Cat logic= LULZ

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 15,2012 11:12pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 15,2012 11:20pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 16,2012 12:00am

toggletoggle post by narkybark   at Mar 16,2012 2:53am

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Mar 16,2012 6:11am

toggletoggle post by Fuck_Logging_In at Mar 16,2012 4:15pm

toggletoggle post by MetalThursday  at Mar 16,2012 9:45pm

toggletoggle post by i'll have the old timer at Mar 17,2012 2:47pm

toggletoggle post by narkybark   at Mar 17,2012 3:52pm

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Mar 17,2012 5:41pm

toggletoggle post by campy at Mar 17,2012 11:00pm

toggletoggle post by Woah!_Shut_It_Down!  at Mar 18,2012 2:46pm
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said[orig][quote]

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 18,2012 7:59pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 18,2012 8:24pm

remember linetrap? now with tits.

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 18,2012 8:30pm
do want:

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Mar 20,2012 6:39pm

toggletoggle post by sxealex   at Mar 20,2012 8:18pm
oh good i thought i was the only one who liked that elephant pic

toggletoggle post by KEVORD  at Mar 20,2012 9:22pm


toggletoggle post by Lamp nli at Mar 21,2012 1:09am
sxealex said[orig][quote]
oh good i thought i was the only one who liked that elephant pic

Elephant pic is phenomenal.

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Mar 21,2012 12:37pm

toggletoggle post by Demondave on the demonrails at Mar 21,2012 6:27pm
The elephant and bunny pics are two of the best I've seen

toggletoggle post by narkybark   at Mar 22,2012 1:06am

toggletoggle post by KEVORD  at Mar 22,2012 8:25pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 22,2012 10:49pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 23,2012 8:22am

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Mar 23,2012 1:24pm

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Mar 23,2012 1:26pm

toggletoggle post by the real dave hebner at Mar 23,2012 7:03pm

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Mar 24,2012 1:02am
^ Awwwww, poor Virgil.

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 24,2012 12:16pm

toggletoggle post by trioxin245nli at Mar 26,2012 12:06pm

toggletoggle post by posbleak   at Mar 27,2012 9:07pm

toggletoggle post by sethrich   at Mar 28,2012 2:01pm

toggletoggle post by my_dying_bride at Mar 28,2012 3:28pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 28,2012 3:29pm

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Mar 28,2012 9:29pm
sethrich said[orig][quote]



toggletoggle post by narkybark   at Mar 28,2012 11:09pm

toggletoggle post by narkybark   at Mar 28,2012 11:12pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Mar 28,2012 11:19pm

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Mar 29,2012 5:52am

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Apr 2,2012 2:08pm

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Apr 2,2012 4:04pm

toggletoggle post by DukeManjunk at Apr 2,2012 7:53pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Apr 2,2012 10:10pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Apr 2,2012 11:19pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Apr 3,2012 8:27am

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Apr 5,2012 7:37am

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Apr 5,2012 11:39am

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Apr 5,2012 12:51pm

toggletoggle post by trioxin_245  at Apr 5,2012 1:02pm
man, that penguin dick one just made my day.

toggletoggle post by DukeManjunk at Apr 5,2012 9:19pm

toggletoggle post by Burnsy at Apr 5,2012 9:25pm

toggletoggle post by bobnomaamrooney at Apr 6,2012 4:43pm

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Apr 6,2012 4:56pm

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